Daughter #2 has just recently re-discovered a love for sewing. Well maybe not a love for sewing but has re-discovered sewing. She sewed for years as a 4-Her as did Daughter #1, Daughter #2 and for a very short period "Only Son". They even won more than blue ribbons! I don't know if they "loved" sewing back then... but they certainly turned out some wonderful stuff. Anyways Daughter #2 has been doing quite a bit of fashion sewing lately. She accompanied me on a road trip to Lawrence where I told her I needed to stop at "Sarah's Fabrics" (local fabric store) before we joined my sister and nephew for an Arts and Crafts fair. To say that Sarah's has fabrics is an understatement. When you walk in you are immediately surrounded by bolts of fabrics of all kinds and all labels... Michael Miller, Amy Butler, you name they have it! But if you go to the back of the store she has a treasure of beautiful fashion fabric!! We...
Where creativity meets life