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Showing posts from March, 2013

March Projects

It's the last day of March and I promised myself that I would post my accomplishments for the month. It seemed like I didn't get much done but I realized I spent a lot of time on Lynda Maynard's Craftsy's class "Sew the Perfect Fit". I made a muslin skirt using her techniques for pattern alternations. That made sewing the first and second skirts so much easier!!! Donated two aprons for a local fundraiser: And I made some paper flowers for a Easter wall display: I also spent an entire day putting together the top of a t-shirt quilt for a good friend's daughter! (Pictures to come later) I have big plans for next month, let's hope I am successful!!     Posted with Blogsy

Stash bust!

I was asked by my good friend and hair stylist if I would make a apron for a bake sale they were having for Earth Day. I had fabric in my stash that I had purchased specifically for aprons but hadn't taken the time to make them. These are my two favorite patterns! Aside from the aprons, I've been busy learning how to alter patterns to fit me better. Sarah Gunn of "Goodbye Valentino" is a blog that I recently discovered and have found her to be very inspirational. She had a great post on a Craftsy Class that she was reviewing "Sew the Perfect Fit" by Lynda Maynard. On her posts she gives a pretty good review and is offering a 40% deal. I had already joined Craftsy but hadn't really been interested in any of the classes. After reading Sarah's post, what did I find in my inbox but a coupon from Craftsy for any online class for $19! Well I took advantage of that coupon and purchased the "Sew the Perfect Fit" class!! Rather than u...

Trying out Blogsy

I'm pretty new to the whole blogging think but I am finding that I don't have much time to do any actually blogging. I thought that if I tried to do this from my IPAD I might have more luck. It's been busy and I have lots to post. I spent some time in New York City visiting my daughter. While we were there my husband was kind enough to spend the morning with me in the Fashion District. I got some great advice from "Shop the Fashion District" on where to go. It was extremely helpful and it was nice to know that "Mood Fabrics" wasn't your only choice! I think I managed to find something in every store I shopped and I scored some pretty great pieces! Some of them were only $5-$7/yd!! The challenge was finding room in my suitcase! I did make this cute little number to take with me on this trip. It's the third Amy Butler Weekender Bag that I've made. I did make some adjustments to on the bag to make construction a litt...