So it is August and as usual we wait with baited breath for the announcement of our new UFO. Nevermind that the June and July Quilt UFO did not get done.....
And what does this mean for me? Actually, this is a great UFO!!
The Fall Floral Wall quilt get done in time for the fall. I love the fabric in this kit and have been looking forward to working on it!
We are leaving tomorrow for a trip to Huntsville, so the chemo hats will be a perfect a road trip project. I think I have about 3 or 4 more to do and I am hoping that I can get them all done on this trip.
We go by Paduch, which means that we stop at Hancock Fabrics! I have my list ready and it makes the trip so worthwhile even if I am only in there for a little while. But we do stop on the way there and on the way back!!
As I was making my list of things I needed I also decided to see what are the "must need items" are for quilt rulers. This gal has a pretty good list and I am happy to see that I have most of them!
It looks like August is off to a good start!!
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