Yes we are more than half way through September I have have not blogged about the September UFO Challege. I feel like I've been on the run this entire month!
What does this mean for me? Well for sewing it is perfect as I have a fall project selected. I had one selected in August as well but did that get done? NO! At the rate September is flying by, it will be interesting to see if this gets done!
So here it is....
September is a bomber jacket for Madden. I have some of the yarn but not all. I am re-thinking about making this jacket or substituting another pattern where I actually have the yarn.
So August wasn't a total bust as I did get my knitting UFO done and not just one month of the UFO but another month of the UFO, which hasn't been selected yet! I posted this picture on Facebook and it was mentioned in their monthly LIVE session!
These hats will be going to our local chemo center to be distributed to those who might need a hat for the coming chilly days.
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