It’s almost the end of AUGUST!! How did that happen?
So much happened in the last coupe of months. It’s hard to know where to start!
- Important news first?
- Chronological news
- Latest news?
Let’s go with chronological order.....
Work trip to Spokane
I had a conference in Spokane the first week of May in Spokane, Wa. I think the last time I was there was 35 years ago when Dan was at WSU working on his Phd!!
We visited the famous Davenport hotel and it was just beautiful!
And we found a beautiful grotto on the campus of Gonzala University.
Loved traveling with these ladies! They make a week long conference so much more bearable!
Etsy Activities
I made another custom Farm Quilt and those baby booties were sent to Sarah for her first baby!!
And there was another custom farm quilt, which was one of my favorites but...
I made this custom quilt for a client. We emailed, I sent her pictures of the fabric and the progress I was making. In the end she was so upset about the choice of fabric for the backing and that it didn't match the front perfectly. She sent a critical message of my choices and how she trusted my and how she thought I was a was really heartbreaking for me. I politely told her I was sorry and that it was the first time that I had ever had a customer so disappointed. In the end I told her I would give her a refund once she sent the quilt back to me. It was such a disappointing transaction. I feel like I put so much into the quilt thinking of the little ones and their families that will be enjoying them. This experienced convinced me to close my Etsy store for a little while so I could evaluate if it is really something I want to do. I'm not getting rich but it gave me an opportunity to do something fun. The store is still closed.
MeMadeMay 2018
As you can see there weren't any new outfits that were made this last year. So I guess that means I have some pretty good staples. Not sure how I didn't get one single out fit made but from the stack of fabric I have in my sewing room... just because I haven't made anything doesn't mean I have stopped shopping for fabric!!
Fire at Hale
On May 22, there was a fire in campus library where I work. I was picking up my grand daughter from daycare and they told me that there was an alert for a fire at the library. I remember saying "oh, I am sure it is another false alarm, we have so many of them". Well it was not. Three fire trucks were called out and 400,000 gallons of water later the fire was put out. A large majority of the damage to the building was due to smoke and water. So much so that it is closed, all the materials have been taken out (about 1.5 million items) and it will not open until 2020.
You can read more about what happened all about the recover process here.
They found temporary offices for all of us and we were told to "get comfortable, we might be there awhile"
Our offices are off campus. I worried that I would miss campus, the students, the activities but it is literally 4 minutes from the time I get into my car to the time I sit at my desk. I don't have to worry about parking but I do miss the long walk. However, I think I'll be ok here for a little while.
Mimi updates
I wanted to be "Nana" but life doesn't always turn out the way you want, so I am now "Mimi". As my son-in-law says "Mimi" is any older woman that follows her around and does whatever she wants... Mimi it is!
Isn't she just precious?
Her Papa just loves playing with her....

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